If you are used to getting The Endless Further, other blogs, and news sources from Google Reader, today will be the last time, for tomorrow the service will be history.
Google is shutting down the content application and platform it created in 2005, citing a decline a decline of RSS due to Twitter, and other sites delivering news. It seems to me that quite a few people are still using it. The number one way subscribers access this blog is through Google Feedfetcher, which distributes RSS or Atom feeds to users of Google Reader and iGoogle, although I am not sure how many subscribers there are to one over the other.
According to Forbes, killing off Google Reader “can be seen as the best thing to happen to RSS,” because:
[What] had once been a choke point for RSS consumption has once again broken apart with no less than 5 different companies (Feedly, Newsblur, AOL reader, Feedbin, Bazqux) providing and API for end client to synchronize with. This means that it is unlikely that a single company will have the same kind of stranglehold Google once had over RSS.”
So, while Google Reader may die tomorrow, that doesn’t mean that newsreaders are dead. Here are links to some alternatives:
Feedly, Digg Reader, Newsblur, AOL Reader, BazQux, Feedbin, Feeder, FeedReader, FeedWrangler, G2Reader, InoReader, Ridly and The Older Reader.
Many of theses are free, however Newsblur is $24/Year, BazQux $9-29/Year, Feebin $24/year, Feeder $10/Year, and Feed Wrangler is $19/Year.
Personally, I dig Digg, but that’s because I’ve been using it for a while and am used to it. Good luck, all.